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A Good Day

OK so had to share this link! My brother passed this to me because of my background with dance and drill team. Little did he know that this is my current all time FAVORITE song! So cool Thank you so much little bro!

Black Eyed Peas

Anyway not a whole lot to report. The girls had great weeks at school, John is doing good, lots of studying but good. I am keeping it all rolling. Not much to show art wise right now, I am busy re-writing my doodling class so the two new layouts I did are going into that . As a tease though I created a tessellation for the background of one and it turned out soooo cool!

The weather here has turned to fall and the AC is off these days. The warmest it gets in the day is low 80’s but it is cooling into the 60’s and 50’s at night so it is just perfect. This could last year round and you would not hear any of us complaining.

Have a great weekend all! Sending out hugs!

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Just a quick update for those of you wanting to know. My friend’s son, Conor, has turned the corner and is doing well. He will be on IV’s for two more weeks but is off oxygen and eating and blood work looks good. Thank you to all of you who prayed and were thinking of Gab and her family!

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Finally Friday

Well Friday is here and I must admit I am glad to see this one arrive. Nothing major and I tackled it all pretty well but today I am a little tiered. Mostly lack of sleep, with John away I do not sleep well, but he is home yip skip! I have dealt with a couple of school issues and a swimming issue this week, none huge or life threatening, but well being threatening and just added that edge of stress tackling them here on my own.
So for the good stuff. Here is our beautiful wildflower garden. The picture does not do it justice. Who knew you could get this from a box of seeds just poured out and raked in? Sara announced this morning that she was excited to go to school today, a first since the first day of school this year, woosh, I think we rounded the bend. Lori is going to get bumped up into the older classes at swimming so I can throw them both in the pool in the same time and she is getting a lesson that suits her better. And John is home, hmm did I already say that?

Here is some of my creativity from the week, the first is Easter shots. This is in the lot that used to be empty across the street from us. These two would hunt for hours. Much fun!

And here is from the weekly challenge at the Apron Strings site. We were to use a die cut sheet as our base paper, so the blue you see behind the red and white edged paper is not attached. I LOVE how this turned out and it just fell together really quickly.

No plans for this weekend other then John counting down to boards in 6 weeks and hiding out at Pannera, and Starbucks. We are well! I will probably update here as my friend Gab gives me reports on her son so those of you who want to continue praying will be in on his hopeful progress.

Have a great weekend all and hug a friend! They deserve it!

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Prayer request and new classes

Hi all!

I will update you on our lives tomorrow or Saturday but for tonight I am sending out a prayer request to anyone who is listening. I have a dear friend whom I have met through one of my scrapping sites, her name is Gab. She lives in Australia with her husband Anthony and son Conor who is about 7. Conor was born with CF and has struggled with related medical issues through out his young life. Yesterday Conor ended up in the hospital with a sever lung infection, which for people with CF can be life threatening. He is on at least 3 IV meds and antibiotics at the moment and other oral meds along with his normal “daily cocktail” which consists of 25 pills. This little boy and family could use any ones prayers who are out there and listening. So please send them heavenward. Thanks so much!

On a completely separate and lighter note classes have resumed over at Get It Scrapped. There is a fabric class dealing with how to add fabric to your pages, a class about how to deal with the “not so perfect” photos that we all end up with. There are two photo classes going on and digital classes too. Coming up there is a details class, a stamping class and a style class that all promise to be spectacular. So things are hopping so if you have never checked it out hop over the Get It Scrapped and see what’s up!

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Friday – Yipee!

Well we are finally at full throttle with our schedules. Swimming got added this week on Thursdays so we are in full swing. I think this year will be much more manageable then last without me teaching dance. And when John finishes boards and prayerfully passes we will all heave a sigh of relief and look forward to even calmer days. The flu swept through our home last week so I have been dragging this week. No new creations to share but hopefully the next two days will allow for some creative time.
Sara is doing better with school finding new and old friends, Lori is in LOVE with Mrs. Bassler and “reading” up a storm with her reading book she brings home. It is so fun to listen to her, look out all she has the “teacher voice”!
John is getting ready for his trip for his boards class and I am trying to keep them all clothed and fed and find a few minutes for me too. I think I am doing pretty good at it so far this year.

Happy weekend all!