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Where my feet take me (or fingers or car)

So my very good friend Tami has us blogging again and this time she wants to know where we go bodily and here on line on a day to day basis.

My day always starts with a quick check in at Get I t Scrapped some of my very best friends are there and they always start my day with a smile. I also check in with the ladies at Apron Strings, a kit club that I have enjoyed over the past three years.

Then off in the car to Kindergarten and then off again too first grade. Two schools this year so a little bit of driving.

Then I take myself to the YMCA usually these days teaching, in fact 5 classes there starting in November. No class on Monday but you can usually still find me there 🙂

Shower at home or the Y and off to pick up the Kindergartner. Home for lunch and nap and a couple chores. Check in with online friends one more time.

Pick up the first grader and then it depends on the night Tuesday is dance, Thursday is Swimming Mo, Wed and Fri. are home but then dinner baths and bedtime routines and if I am lucky some scrappy time at my desk and one last shout to online friends.

Yep that’s my day at least the abbreviated version.

Happy Tuesday all!

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Class Assignments

OK so I fibbed I am back today and you all get to take a peek at more work. I am currently unable to post my work over at GIS who knows why so temporarily I am going to post my class work here. I am taking a spectacular class from Doris. She does amazing stuff with layouts and all the add ons and has a wonderful teaching style. She is a teacher in real life too imagine that, any hoo, at the end of each lesson she gives a fun challenge that really gets yo putting ideas and techniques together that you wouldn’t on your own. Here is mine from her first class

The chick is created using a spray ink and then adding the doodled outline. The assignment was to use icons as part of creating the feel of your page (my chick and egg) use a large chipboard element (the egg) and use spray mists (my chick) and use some basics (brads for eyes)
Here is the layout for lesson #2
The assignment on this one was Creat a grid with a basic shape (the circle photos) include journaling lines to write on (the ribbon created my lines) paper piecing (the large flower boquet) and use different fonts in your title (yep did that too)

So until I figure out what I have screwed up on the computer you all get to see my assignments here, lucky you!

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Late check in

OK so I missed Friday by a long shot so you will get a couple in a row, but I have a great excuse! My Mom and Dad were here spoiling me and that is the best excuse!

I even got to scrap Saturday evening with 3 friends uninterrupted and the girls had a blast at build a bear getting witch costumes for their bears and cinnamon pretzels for fun.

I managed to get a couple cards and layouts done here is one, I love the colors on this one!

Here is another, these girls are just way too cute!

All in all a very lovely weekend! John got lots of study time and the girls and I got lots of pampering from Grandma and Grandpa.

Lori has been bringing home jokes from Kindergarten every day so i thought I would add my favorites here. Just so you all can share in the Kindergarten chuckles.

What does a mother ghost say when her kids get in the car?

Bookle Up!

Or how about, What do you get from a shivering cow?

A milk shake!

These will have you all checking in regularly I know! You’ll be waiting on the edge of your seat for the latest and greatest of Kindergarten humor! They make me giggle so I thought I would pass them along.

Happy Thursday!

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A Good Day

OK so had to share this link! My brother passed this to me because of my background with dance and drill team. Little did he know that this is my current all time FAVORITE song! So cool Thank you so much little bro!

Black Eyed Peas

Anyway not a whole lot to report. The girls had great weeks at school, John is doing good, lots of studying but good. I am keeping it all rolling. Not much to show art wise right now, I am busy re-writing my doodling class so the two new layouts I did are going into that . As a tease though I created a tessellation for the background of one and it turned out soooo cool!

The weather here has turned to fall and the AC is off these days. The warmest it gets in the day is low 80’s but it is cooling into the 60’s and 50’s at night so it is just perfect. This could last year round and you would not hear any of us complaining.

Have a great weekend all! Sending out hugs!

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Just a quick update for those of you wanting to know. My friend’s son, Conor, has turned the corner and is doing well. He will be on IV’s for two more weeks but is off oxygen and eating and blood work looks good. Thank you to all of you who prayed and were thinking of Gab and her family!