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Blogging Challenge 3/12 – Scent

OK so I have missed so many of these! Over the next couple months though I am going to do them all. All the challenges have been so great so I will just spread them out and do them as i have time!

Jane challenged us this past Friday to let our noses share a favorite memory scent. you know the kind that not only triggers your taste buds but your memories. OK so not all scents trigger your taste buds!!! Work with me people!

I can think of a few memories that bubble up with scent triggers. Not many to be honest but I think that is because my sniffer is not always that sensitive. So most scents that I smell are strong ones, often from the kitchen but a few outside the home.

One scent that is a trigger for me is skunk. Yes not pleasant but true. I have never been at the receiving end but I do know the song and so does my family (from childhood) and my family now. Do you know it? There’s a dead skunk in the middle of the road, a dead skunk in the middle of the road, dead skunk in the middle of the road, stinkin to high heaven!… There is of course more as many of you are now singing on but if now trust me there is more. We sang that so many times…way too many I am sure, out of tune and as loud as we could make it. Boy did we love singing in the car. It reminds me of that. And now my girls sing it, just adding to the memories.

Today there is a wonderful scent in my home! Chocolate Chip Cookies!

Happy Monday!

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St. Patricks Day is coming!

Well at GIS I am in charge of the challenge for March 17th so really it was a no brainer! We must scrap green!

Here are the rules;
1) Scrap a layout that either goes recycle green by reusing a product or packaging, or pick up some awesome green colored scrappy stuff and use it.
2) Post your layout ON March 17th no earlier, no later! Then let me know back at GIS that you got it up.

Yep I am getting one of you a great prize for this one! No telling though, you just have to play to find out what it is, but I give good prizes, just ask anyone!

Now since I am not playing I am posting two of my layouts early. I have one more that just needs to be hooked together that I will post on the 17th. All three of these layouts come from my awesome friend’s kit club Scrap This Kit. Hit one of the layouts to see her site!

Now I will admit I added to this one here. The fairy is my work, the patterned paper and the “smile” are from the kit. Oh the buttons too!

On this layout I only added the twine and the small heart tag. The rest is all from this month’s kit at Scrap This Kit

I will have one more layout from this beautiful kit on the 17th and still more to play with! Besides that, Tami is doing a major giveaway right now so hurry! go! check it out now!

Happy St. Patrick’s a little early all!

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March 7th – Blogging Challenge

OK so yes I am skipping around big time but the challenges are wonderful and I know I will come back to many if not all of them eventually.

Today’s Challenge is actually from me! Mine is “In like a Lion”. I am challenging all my friends at GIS and anyone else who is so inspired to write a short note about how their month has come in like a lion.

March has roared in like a lion in this household. And although we have had a wicked winter with blizzards, 50-60 mile an hour winds, snow drifts over 6 feet tall and temperatures hanging in the negatives for days on end, it is not the weather that is roaring over us now. Life in general seems to have swept us up in a wild roller coaster ride. Between the Jeep needing repairs, a trip to the emergency room for a split open chin, parent teacher conferences, sick kiddos and Mom, and of course all the normal comings of our busy family life I feel a little whipped! None of it is traumatic, although the chin was on the verge, but most just added up to a lot of extra comings and goings and inconveniences, just enough to feel like I have been picked up by a small tornado and taken for a wild ride. So in like a lion, yes that has been the start of my March. I am hoping that the lamb is soon to follow!

Hate to leave you without a joke too so here is your kindergarten joke for today…

What did the Pacific Ocean say to the Atlantic Ocean?

Nothing it just waved!

Happy Sunday all!

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Blogging Challenge Day 3

So today’s challenge was to include a bit of current news in our post. I find this article incredibly intriguing.

Chili’s Earthquake

No it is not about the incredible devastation the earthquake caused but the OTHER effects the quake has had and will have on the entire Earth over the next years. I studied Geology in college and actually found this quite interesting. And amazing!

And if you are wondering I did not forget day number 2 challenge I just skipped it. I am hoping I will catch up either today or at a later date.

Kindergarten joke

How can you tell that a snail is strong? (Lori thinks it is snake but the rest of us think it is probably snail)

He carries his house on his back. (Either way it is funny)

Happy day all!

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March 1st – Blogging Challenge

Well the Teachers at GIS are at it again, including me, with a month long blog challenge. I am not sure if I will complete them all but I will do as many as I can. Monday the first Amy challenged us to a March Makeover. The challenge is to make over a photo and post it. so here is my photo. I am sorry I did not do anything spectacular to the first only did an auto adjust because I like the photo as is. But I will play with it a little more and add again later. For the inquiring minds these are my Valentines gift from my wonderful sweet boy John!

Here is a very small adjustmant to the photo but very pretty. I used an artistic filter , pallet knife to be specific.

Here is what the same photo looks like with a texture filter. Stained Glass.

And here is a new kindergarten joke! Can’t forget those!

What do you get when you cross a centipede and a parrot?

A Walkie Talkie!

happy day all!