Hi all! Well I have emerge from my cave! My class is done, art work complete, classes written and photographs taken. All submitted. Horribly behind my normal timely-ness I locked myself in my office the past couple days and got it done. So sorry Debbie!
Now I am realizing a whole month has gone by and although I have taken about 300 photographs every single one of them has been staring down at a table with art work on it. My “One Month At a Time” layout will be looking pretty unusual for the month of September. And yet we have been busy! Lots of fun little things, Sara ran in a mile run for school both in PE but also in a little cross country fun day (she did great by the way a mile in about 11.5 minutes not to bad for my girly girl!) we went to Living History Farms for a gorgeous day outside. Swimming, diving, girl scouts started up, new boots for the girls and today feathers in their hair. Oh yeah we are the trendy ones at our house. Except we bought the kit and did them ourselves instead of paying the salon. Very fun. All in all good times.
Here are a couple more layouts from last weekend. The first is another from last Thanksgiving what a great trip! We are looking forward to Arizona again this year!

Here is a layout from our Chicago trip last year I just realized what a horrible job i did shooting the layout but you get the feel. Girls way up high on the sky deck! I actually posted the original shots around this time last year.

Hugs to all!