So my assignment for Friday is to note 10 random not well known things about me. Silly or not just ten random details that are me.
1-I still have my Winnie the Pooh. He sleeps with me when John is on call, yes, I will admit it. And in all honesty it was a gift that was given to my youngest brother at his birth and I adopted and never gave back!
2-I love having my toes done. Pedicures are the best and crazy colors during the winter are a must. My toes are hiding all winter so I go for colors that make me smile in the shower, blue and purple are among my favorites.
3-I drive way too fast! Yep!
4-I have a sever fear of heights! I always feel like I am going to slide right off ski lifts and right through open stairways.
5-I can watch a good movie a thousand times over and still find it completely entertaining, and laugh at all the punch lines. And my version of a good movie is just about anything.
6-I adore the smell of coffee but can not stand the taste of it! How do you acquire the taste for something if you can not stand it? I do not get that one!
7-I could eat pizza and ice cream each and every day and have a smile on my face.
8-I am know as a heads down scrapbooker to my friends who scrap with me. They say I don’t come up for air.
9-My Mom is my very best girlfriend! MY VERY BEST! And I am so blessed to have her.
10-I have been told more times then I can count that I am silly.
Hmm… yep sounds like me.

I love pedis too…although crazy colors in the winter wuldn't work for me…but you'll have to read my list to find out why!
Okay Punkin–I was reading along happily enjoying your list and nodding until #9 and then I burst out crying! I know you can picture that right now as you read this. You KNOW the feeling is mutual. Your Mama Bear