Our family has things we say that just make us giggle. OK so Dad doesn’t giggle but he gets a good chuckle going. But no one else gets the joke because they do not know the original context. So this morning I am making a list of a few choice Weaverisms and sharing the “rest of the story”. You might not think they are all that funny but at least you have all the information.
“speedy quick” This is a new one for this summer. Have you ever read a Junie B. Jones book? You will get this if you have. My Mom and I drove with the girls from Des Moines to Denver this summer and we listened to a couple Junie B. books and then read a couple more on our trip. Junie B. cracks us up more then the kids, so we decided we would adopt one of her favorite sayings! “Mighty Fine” is another that we like from Junie B.
“I like ice cream!” OK so obvious right, so why the laughter? When anyone asks “who would like some ice cream?” in my family my father will quietly raise his hand and respond “I like ice cream” OK Dad this is one of the bigger understatements of the century! My father loves ice cream in fact he is one of the lucky few that can eat it every night and not seem to gain weight. And just the fact that it really is not the correct response to the question, we didn’t ask if you liked it, that is a given we asked if you wanted some. But he never fails and it always makes us laugh.
“strap on the ol‘ feed bag” So many of these are from my Dad! This is one that popped out of his mouth at some point and stuck. We use it frequently when gathering to eat. I am sure he picked it up from an old western movie or T.V. show.
Or how about this one? “If it was a snake it would have bit ya!” This is for when you are looking for something and it is right in front of you, get it, close enough to bite you ha ha. OK just another one from my Dad. Another one for this very situation you might hear at our house is “it is tall and red” This one surrounds a specific indecent that my Dad was looking for a bottle of ketchup. He was staring straight at it and my Mother was getting a little tiered of waiting said “have you moved everything around?” “yes” is the response. Mom gets up and guess what it is right in front. So standing beside him now she says “Strode it is the tall and red one” and sits back down.
“Let’s try this again” This is straight from me. I have this habit of getting out the door without one or two items and realizing it about a block away. The poor girls are always in the car with me and we circle back and have to start over. I didn’t realize how often I had said it until they started chiming in “let’s try this again!” Now we say it just because it makes us laugh.
“Ginormous” Meaning VERY large. Do not know where it is from but we use it often.
I added “Grandpa are you packin’?” to a layout that is shown in the entry below. Poor Dad again this time he forgot his wallet when we went out, so others were paying all day/evening. So now when we leave the house for a shopping eating event we always ask “Grandpa, are you packin'” as in packin’ heat or packin’ his wallet in this case. He he.
Well there are a few, I am sure there are more but a fun start for this Monday.
Happy week all!

We say Ginormous too! What a cute list!
I love all of the "sayings"…I chuckled as I read each one. All kinds of memories came alive with each one:-). How about…Better than a sharp stick in the eye?
Your blog is such fun! Mama
Love these "isms" Michelle.