Well early wishes to all for a happy holiday season or start of it at least. I will probably be away from the computer to wish you happy closer to Thanksgiving so I am sending well wishes now. Starting after turkey week I am going to do a little bragging here on the blog. That is bragging on those closest to me so stay tuned for that.
This week is a busy one with parent Teacher conferences, getting ready for a trip and all the regular day to day. I did get to scrap this past weekend and got a few things completed.
Hi Beau and Bonnie!
Here is another one…
And one more for good measure, my favorite. Wouldn’t you know the one that comes together easily and at the spur of the moment is the one I love.
Well best go hit the counters. Love to all. Be safe as you travel and hug friends and family lots! I am sending hugs your way too!