Wanted to let everyone know again the I will be teaching my Doodling class over at debbiehodge.com again starting January 4th! I am excited not only to teach it again but because the class has been completely revamped and is all drawing/doodling! If you took the class before you can come see the new one for free, and if you missed it last time make sure to catch it this time! Those of yo checking in who are not scrappers (you know who you are) please pass this info on to friends who might be interested! Thanks so much!

Hi Michelle-Just stopped by to see what you were busy with-LOVE your 1. kindergarten joke:)I can even remember that one to tell…and your doodled picture here. You probably don't remember I was in your doodling class at GIS last June/July. I didn't post much because of a lot of reasons…but I loved the class. Printed all of the lessons out. Did a couple of layouts, but was a bit hesitant and didn't post them. Am over that now and will be taking this new class because you may me think and create…So much fun to doodle….You gave amazing tips and instruction on how to incorporate this art into LayOuts-even with titles letter tiles!!Just wanted to let you know I enjoyed your blog and class.