Well here he is. This is Izzy. One of my latest Copic designs. He was hiding in the card seen below. Vacation and finishing up a title font class got me off track so I am scrambling to get him ready to be posted on Get It Scrapped with directions. Hopefully later this week he will get all done.
So on other family news we are very well. Vacation was wonderful! Time with Mom and Dad is always welcome. We had lots of fun mini adventures and just enough down time and ice cream to put smiles on all of our faces. Since we have been back we have started dance camp, I had my first crown prepped and will return for the permanent in a few weeks, I mowed the lawn, three loads of laundry, yadda, yadda, yadda, we had a four hour play date that was turned into a Rat Party cupcakes, rat puppets and all (stuffed rat friends), and I am sure I will not survive if the entire summer is run at this pace 🙂
All is well as we roast in the humidity.