Add your own personality to your artistic creations with hand-lettering. In this 6-lesson online workshop, I’ll show you how to use simple tools to create outstanding hand-lettered titles, embellishments, and word-art. We’ll begin with using base alphabets and then add decorative detail and we’ll even create our own display fonts.
Hand Lettering for Scrapbookers, Journalers and Crafters includes:
- basic hand-lettering techniques
- simple instructions and practical lettering advice
- 10 full alphabets to copy and/or trace
- how-tos for stroked letters as well as outlined and filled forms
- ideas for color, fill, and creative add-ons
- exposure to letter forms and add-ons that can convey a variety of tones, from whimsy to formality
- sample artwork to inspire your own projects
Register for Handlettering for Scrapbookers, Journalers and Crafters today!

Is this class still available? I would really like to take it. Thank you.
Valerie, Yes! Handlettering is still available! You can take it self paced which means you can have access to all the lessons at once and go through them at your own pace.
If you go to the right side of my blog and click on the button with the Handlettering on it it should take you to the sales page at Creative Passion. That is the site where I teach all of my classes.
I was trying to register for the handlettering for crafters class but received an error message. Is it still available? Thank you.
Teresa I am going to try to send you an e-mail. If you do not get it post here again. Thanks!