I have been busy doodling, not that that is unusual but doing art that is centered around doodling. As always time consuming but oh so rewarding! At Get It Scrapped my Oodles of Doodles has gone self paced which means you can down load all 6 lessons in one ginormous book and work at your own pace over the material.
I also have been invited to teach a Doodle class live at a Southeast Community College in Lincoln, Nebraska. I am excited for both and created all of these pieces for the advertising department there. If you are in the area and are interested i will post more details as we get closer.
Girls are crazy busy at this point with swimming, dance, diving and girl scouts all in full swing and hey lets start throwing in a trip once a month. He He it is all good but it is a lot. Dad and I are counting on some sleep in days on the weekend. And I think the girls will be ready as well. Allergy season is still going crazy here so I am going on two weeks of little to no sleep, hopefully the end is in sight but I have heard no rumors of such. Guess it is what I get for moving to a community surrounded by farms that are in the heat of harvest season!
Hugs all!