So I promised I would post this guy yesterday for a friend and did not get it done! Sorry Tiffany! Here he is better late than never. I came up with this little snowman snow-globe to be the craft at my second graders winter party next week. He is made from a 10 oz. water bottle. I added a squirt (about 1 teaspoon) glycerin, white and blue glitter and a few sequins and glued the lid on tight. Then added two pipe cleaners for arms, a felt carrot nose, two googly eyes, a fleece scarf, and two more pipe cleaners with a bell on top to finish off the hat. I am so pleased with how he turned out ans I am excited to see if the class will like them. I have the bottles ready to go with the glitter glued in tight to avoid the mess :-).
Hugs all!

So cute. I am going to have to do that for the next party–maybe even turn him into something else for Valentine's Day–like a Love Bug or something. Thanks for posting!
It looks great Michelle- hope the kids love it. Sounds like a fun project for them and do-able for second graders.