I wanted to continue sharing some of the fun at CHA! I am getting to it slowly as I have a few projects all going on at once. It is exciting and fun but I will admit the house is getting a little neglected. I am probably going to have to spend a day out of my craft space to do a once over!
In the mean time here are two of the make and takes that I did at CHA that I really loved. With only one day Tami and I had to pick and choose a little so we could get through the majority of the show. We really needed two days to do it justice. Below is a card that we made at the Faber Castell booth. LOVED the variety of things they let us try! We used some Faber Castell water color pencils on the resist paper and then added water to create our beautiful background. Then we got to try out their wonderful gillatos on wood birds. We used water to do a little blending again and visited about the new sets that they have put together with their gillatos. If you have not tried these yet it is worth a try, they are a lot of fun!
Next is a simple card from Authentique. We got to use new small file folders to create or card base and then small die cut puzzle pieces and embellishments that match to adorn our card. i realized after putting mine all together that I have my folder facing backwards. The front is even cuter since the file folders have a complimentary pattern on the inside and you can see that if I had it faced it the right way!
So there are two fun ones, I will attempt to add a couple more this week! But no promises.
Hope everyone is enjoying their day and if you love football and/or food are enjoying the day with a pile of friends and family!