I just wanted to share a page I completed (finally). There is a little story to this one. Do you ever attend crops or events and take classes that create pages, all but the photos? I LOVE to do these classes, LOVE to create the pages and then they sit! I don’t add photos, don’t take the time, forget they are there, just plain forget to finish. This particular page is all Basic Grey. I heart all things Basic Grey! I loved the class, the instructor was spectacular and I completed it in October of 2011. Yes, that long ago but did not add the photos until this past week. I was going to make a partner page with similar papers on at least 2 or 3 occasions and in fact have those completed and in my scrapbooks but this lovely page just never got it’s final addition of photos. This past week I completed an assignment for Get It Scrapped for this next month that had PERFECT photos for this page so I forced myself, I pulled out the page made a page to go with it for GIS added one butterfly and two photos to this page and woosh it is finally happily complete :-). It took all of one minute…well one minute and one and a half years he he. ( I will post the partner page when it comes out next month)
On a personal note allergies have kicked in so i want to itch my eyeballs and throat and to add insult to injury it is now snowing, or has been for two days solid. All we could do was laugh. It is a big slushy mess, too warm to really pile up and off the roads just a muddy slushy mess. We know next week will warm up so the t-shirts and short pants are still ready to go!
Happy weekend everyone!