Another Copic dark skin combination. Sometimes you really can keep is simple and just run through a series of Earth tones. In this case I ran through the E30’s The trick is getting them smooth with the darker skin tones on smaller images. So pay special attention to the order of the colors used and the steps. If you would like to see the coloring in action I will be posting a video on Wednesday, June 24th with the start to finish Copic coloring.

- Start by basing all the skin in a lighter Earth tone. (E31)
- Skip your second color and move to\o the third in your series. With this color map out the contours of the face. I used short flicks in most areas from the edges inward where possible. (E35)
- Use the fourth Earth tone in your series and goo into all the same areas you mapped out just in less amounts, or shorter flicks. (E37)
- Go back to the third in your series and blend the edges of this darker color smooth. This may pull into the light area a little Moore (E35)
- Now go back to the color you skipped and first soften the edge of the darker tones. Next work all the way across the lighter skin. (E33)
- As an optional step use a darker blue violet to create one more level of depth and some cast shadows.

- Base all of the hair in a mid-tone Earth tone. (E43)
- Use the next Earth tone in the series and create very small squiggles all over the hair area. (E44)
- Use a third and fourth Earth tone each in less amounts. With these two colors you will still be squiggling but focusing the color into areas to create shape. Also use one of these colors to fill in the brows on the face. (E47, E49)
- Finish with a dark cool gray to push the depth and cool down the warm tones. (C9)

- Finish the lips with an earth tone and a red. (E04, R59)
- Finish the eyes with a yellow and Earth tone. (Y23, E35)
- Use a Copic Multiliner to depend the black on the lash line and the pupil if needed. (.03)

- Color the rose and jewelry with a series of reds. (R21, R85, R59)
- Color the bangles with two yellows (Y00, Y28)
- My girl is drinking sparkling cider and I used a yellow red and yellow to color it. (YR30, Y23)

Here is a closer look at all the skin and hair. I hope this inspires you to get coloring and try some darker tones. So many of us settle into one set of two or three colors for every face and there are so many variations out there in this great big world! Try a few new combinations. Make sure to check the Copic In The Craft Room YouTube channel next week for the video tutorial and I will keep these coming 😉.
Have a Happy Colorful Day!