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Well early wishes to all for a happy holiday season or start of it at least. I will probably be away from the computer to wish you happy closer to Thanksgiving so I am sending well wishes now. Starting after turkey week I am going to do a little bragging here on the blog. That is bragging on those closest to me so stay tuned for that.

This week is a busy one with parent Teacher conferences, getting ready for a trip and all the regular day to day. I did get to scrap this past weekend and got a few things completed.

Hi Beau and Bonnie!

Here is another one…
And one more for good measure, my favorite. Wouldn’t you know the one that comes together easily and at the spur of the moment is the one I love.

Well best go hit the counters. Love to all. Be safe as you travel and hug friends and family lots! I am sending hugs your way too!

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Yep he did it and I will shout it from the mountain tops! JOHN PASSED HIS BOARDS!!!!!!!!!

OK needed that! It is amazing how your life can hang in the balance waiting on one bit of news. How it can create such a pivotal point in your lives. If this happens we can do this… if this happens we could plan this… don’t plan anything there until we know about this… It goes on and on. But we are there, we know, and he passed so we can “acknowledge and move on”. Words to live by my friends, words to live by.

So last week was tense but John was home and did get some good play time in with the girls and me. The weather here has been more then a blessing in the 60’s and sunny most days. It gets dark around 5ish these days but it is not keeping us from our loops around the block. We know colder weather is quickly on the way so we will take advantage while we can.

A fun piece of news for me is that I will be teaching my Doodling class again on line. Originally I re wrote it to be set up as a class that people could come and take self paced, meaning they could just get all the lessons and do them whenever, but Debbie invited me to teach the class “live” again and I am thrilled. I will be teaching early January and the class is completely re-done so lots of fun new material. In the meantime I will be doing a tutorial in December at Get It Scrapped as well but I am not sure if we are announcing the whole plan yet so I better not spill the beans.

Like I needed another project I have also been playing with two classes that are currently running. One is working with stamps and I have made two cards already then the other is an art journaling class. I am not a big journaler but this class is SO much fun lots of messes, spray ink and paint here are some images of the pieces I have been working on. I am behind in the class but loving just tootling along at my own pace and really enjoying the process.

Here is one of my cards
Here are the inserts that will go in between some of the pages (we are making a book from scratch) The last image is of some of the pages themselves.

Well I think that is about all for now, whew! I obviously has been holding off posting!

Ah yes and I leave you with two new jokes from Kindergarten!

Who always wares their shoes to bed?
A Horse!
Why did the cookie go to the doctor?
He felt Crummy!

Happy weekend all!

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Weekend Doings

Well John has been off to Dallas and the girls are home playing. We got lots of little errands done. Dropped off or extra Halloween candy (the peanut kind) at a dentist who collects it for the troops. We did a Sam’s run ate out a couple times got to go see our brand new YMCA and even had dinner at a friends home. The Pederson’s introduced the girls to Checkers and Trouble and then sent the games home with us so we have been playing lots. I also got a little scrapping done. Imagine that! Here are the latest…

It has been fun to go back and get these photos done from Matt and Janelle’s wedding!

Happy week all!

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Weekly doings

Well it is Sunday and not much to report out of the ordinary here we did accomplish this yesterday!

The girls finally decided to try carving this year and both picked beautiful big pumpkins. To top it off neither one was too slimy or messy so the three of us layed out paper in the garage and had a grand time. Believe it or not the one with eyelashes is Lori’s, I had to simplify her original design just a tad. Sara went with the traditional look. And last night while John was, guess what… I was busy doing guess what…

And this too!

I am getting back into last years left behinds and made these two layouts with kits from my friends “Scrap This Kit” monthly kit club. Last weekend I participated in a weekend crop on line and managed to complete 9 pages woo hoo. I liked several of them lots! A couple from San Diego and a couple from much earlier. Next Saturday I am scrapping away from the house while a babysitter watches the girls and Lori goes to a B-Day party. I am hoping to tackle the Bellingham wedding and see how many I can get done. Maybe a mini book too.

Here are some Kindergarten jokes for those of you watching for them…

How do you make a skeloton laugh?

Tickle his funny bone!

Why does a whitch ride a broom?

Because a vaccume cleaner is to heavy!

Have a very happy week all!

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Class Assignments

OK so I fibbed I am back today and you all get to take a peek at more work. I am currently unable to post my work over at GIS who knows why so temporarily I am going to post my class work here. I am taking a spectacular class from Doris. She does amazing stuff with layouts and all the add ons and has a wonderful teaching style. She is a teacher in real life too imagine that, any hoo, at the end of each lesson she gives a fun challenge that really gets yo putting ideas and techniques together that you wouldn’t on your own. Here is mine from her first class

The chick is created using a spray ink and then adding the doodled outline. The assignment was to use icons as part of creating the feel of your page (my chick and egg) use a large chipboard element (the egg) and use spray mists (my chick) and use some basics (brads for eyes)
Here is the layout for lesson #2
The assignment on this one was Creat a grid with a basic shape (the circle photos) include journaling lines to write on (the ribbon created my lines) paper piecing (the large flower boquet) and use different fonts in your title (yep did that too)

So until I figure out what I have screwed up on the computer you all get to see my assignments here, lucky you!