Yep he did it and I will shout it from the mountain tops! JOHN PASSED HIS BOARDS!!!!!!!!!
OK needed that! It is amazing how your life can hang in the balance waiting on one bit of news. How it can create such a pivotal point in your lives. If this happens we can do this… if this happens we could plan this… don’t plan anything there until we know about this… It goes on and on. But we are there, we know, and he passed so we can “acknowledge and move on”. Words to live by my friends, words to live by.
So last week was tense but John was home and did get some good play time in with the girls and me. The weather here has been more then a blessing in the 60’s and sunny most days. It gets dark around 5ish these days but it is not keeping us from our loops around the block. We know colder weather is quickly on the way so we will take advantage while we can.
A fun piece of news for me is that I will be teaching my Doodling class again on line. Originally I re wrote it to be set up as a class that people could come and take self paced, meaning they could just get all the lessons and do them whenever, but Debbie invited me to teach the class “live” again and I am thrilled. I will be teaching early January and the class is completely re-done so lots of fun new material. In the meantime I will be doing a tutorial in December at Get It Scrapped as well but I am not sure if we are announcing the whole plan yet so I better not spill the beans.
Like I needed another project I have also been playing with two classes that are currently running. One is working with stamps and I have made two cards already then the other is an art journaling class. I am not a big journaler but this class is SO much fun lots of messes, spray ink and paint here are some images of the pieces I have been working on. I am behind in the class but loving just tootling along at my own pace and really enjoying the process.
Here is one of my cards
Here are the inserts that will go in between some of the pages (we are making a book from scratch) The last image is of some of the pages themselves.

Well I think that is about all for now, whew! I obviously has been holding off posting!
Ah yes and I leave you with two new jokes from Kindergarten!
Who always wares their shoes to bed?
A Horse!
Why did the cookie go to the doctor?
He felt Crummy!
Happy weekend all!