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And the Winner is!

Well we had a bucket full of wonderful Copic friends send me an e-mail with answers to the 6 questions I asked!

Blog hop win2

My beautiful daughter Sara did the honors, I shook and held the bucket above my head (she is just about as tall as me, Yikes) and look who she pulled out…

blog hop win1

Barbara Nies!

You are the lucky winner of a Copic Coloring Workshop! (sorry for the misspelling on the paper :-o) I have passed your name and e-mail onto Nancy so she knows who our winner is. Either she or myself will contact you with details on how to register for your free Copic Coloring Workshop.


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Copic Blog Hop

Welcome to a Start of Summer Copic Blog Hop!

As summer get’s into full swing our Copic teaching team will take a short break from teaching to focus on refueling their creative juices and preparing classes for the Fall season and brand new classes for 2017.

But as we hit pause on teaching, we are ramping up for the fall season of Copic Workshops, More Whimsical Faces and Hair, Vintage Values and Mono Tones, and Dress For Success: Clothing and Accessories! All three of the workshops will be taught at all 9 of the following locations this fall.

Registration is NOW open for these three locations:

Chicago, IL August 19th-20th

Dallas, TX  August 26th-27th

Edmonton, AB August 26th-27th

The rest of the fall classes will be opening soon so make sure to register to get e-mail notifications so you will be the first to know when classes are open in your area.

(Sign up at the bottom of the page)

Upcoming Copic Workshops will be held in:

Charlotte, NC September 9th-10th

Las Vegas, NV September 23rd-24th

Sacramento, CA September 23-24th

Boston, MA October 14th-15th

Hanover, MD October 14th-15th

Portland, OR October 14th-15th

To celebrate all this Copic coloring goodness we are hopping through our Copic instructors and friends AND have a prize worthy of hopping!


One lucky winner will win a pass to attend a single Copic Coloring Workshop class in the US or Canada in the 2017 season. ***(We will not be offering an alternative prize for those living outside the US or Canada. You are welcome to participate, but be aware that the prize will be for a class in the US or Canada in the 2017 year)***

So how do you win?

You will need to answer the 6 questions at the bottom of this post! There is a question related to each of our bloggers today so you will have to check them all out! Then send a quick e-mail to ME with your answers. Go to the upper right corner of my blog and hit the little envelope icon, this will get an e-mail directly to me.

Include your name, and e-mail address with your 6 answers so I can make sure to get the prize to the right person!

Those who have all 6 questions answered correctly will be entered into the drawing to win the Copic Coloring Workshop. E-mails must be received no later then Midnight Eastern time, Saturday, June 25.

How about a little Copic Love for this blog hop? This is what I have been working on recently, lots of color studies for the photo tutorials over at Copic In the Craft room! Did you know that I create a new video and photo tutorial that are available free to everyone at the Copic In The Craft Room Facebook page? Here are some quick peeks into some of the art I have created for the photo color comparisons.

blue allGall


Every week I have compares all the natural blending groups in one Copic color family. I have a few more weeks left and I will have them all covered.

On the video front we have really focused in on simple shading with natural blending groups and even one marker shading. Here is a pile of a few of those as well.

blog hop

All right enough already, you ready to win a class? Here are the 6 questions:

  1. What is Debbie’s Olson’s favorite thing to sketch and color?
  2. What is Michele Boyer’s favorite use for her colorless blender?
  3. What technique does Lori Craig share on her blog today?
  4. What is one of Cindy Lawerence’s favorite ways to fill her backgrounds with Copic color?
  5. What is Sharon Harnist’s favorite Copic color?
  6. Besides my blog where do I (Michelle Houghton) post LOTS of Copic information?

To find all the answers hop to all the other blogs and e-mail your answers to me by hitting the little envelope in the upper right corner of my blog.

Debbie Olson at:

Michelle Boyer at:

Lori Craig at:

Cindy Lawerence at:

Sharon Harnist at:

Michelle Houghton at – hey you are already here!

Good Luck and Have a Happy Colorful Day!

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Copic T-Shirt Winners

Happy Monday friends!

I had 5 of you come through and check in on my post last Monday about our wonderful Copic Workshops. All of you will be getting a t-shirt! 4 of you were on other lists but I will send you all instructions so you make sure to know how to get your Copic t-shirts. If you do not hear from me and do not get contacted let me know and we will get it all sorted out.

Congrats Tammy, Sheri, Lisa, Claire and Michelle and thanks for stopping by!

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Copic Workshops, Do you know all about them?

Today’s post comes with a prize yay yay! Read all the way through please!
We want to make sure EVERYONE knows about the fabulous Copic Workshop classes that are offered through Imagination International, Inc. We have More Whimsical Faces and Hair:


Vintage Values and Mono Tones

Blog Vintage

and Dress for Success; Clothing and Accessories:

plaid disco
Here is a link to all the information:…/classes/schedule/

To keep on top of our upcoming schedule and make sure not to miss an opportunity sign up for our newsletter there is a place to sign up at the bottom of this page:…/classes/schedule/

You can also find all our new offerings in the side bar of my blog 🙂

Now for the good stuff! If you are willing to leave a little love for me you will be entered to win a Copic T-Shirt! Comment on this post and you will be entered in a drawing for a Copic T-Shirt. I have not 1, not 2 but 10 shirts to give away! Want another opportunity to win? Hop over to my Facebook post and pass along all the fun you can get your name into my drawing a second time.
I will draw names on Saturday June 11th.

Have a Happy Colorful Day!

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Creating your Copic Collection

“So how many Copics do you own?” A question I hear regularly. It is a hazard of the job. Everyone wants to know how many do I own, how many do they “need” and where do they start. It is a perfect question and EXACTLY the right one to ask when you are starting out with Copics.

I can say at this moment that I own 333. I own most, I have skipped half of the grays, I own the odd numbers of all 4 gray families. So there is 24 that are not sitting on my desk. Then there is the elusive G02, it keeps giving me the slip. He he. Here is a peak at one corner of my desk storage unit.

blog choosing

Do I “need” them all? If I were not doing what I am doing, teaching and designing for Imagination International, Inc. I would NOT! But Copics are my career, albeit my dream job, and a wonderful excuse to collect/hoard this amazing product, but I would not have them all if I was not in this job. I would own about 120-150 and would probably hang around that number for a good long time. That is still a lot of markers though right?!

So the final question is where do I start?

I actually wrote a post answering this very question For Get It Scrapped in 2011. I had been slowly collecting my first precious markers often one by one with coupons and sales. So I understood how important it was to make smart purchases. I also at the time could not afford a complete set all at once.

The Copic Markers You Need in Your Starter Set

The information in the post above is still very accurate. I would make some of the very same choices I made back then when forming my own set. But of course as life changes and we change some of my selections would look different. Here is a list of the first 36 markers I would buy NOW if I had none sitting on my desk 🙂 I focused in on what I thought I would be coloring, mostly stamped images of people, plants and flowers, animals on occasion. In general images for cards and scrapbook pages.

B00, B02, B04 – still a favorite set of natural blending blues
BG000 – I love this to fade to white on sky
BV20, BV23, BV25 – a must for creating depth and shadows!
V12, V04, V17 Love how the V04 in the middle pops the purples!
YG61, YG63, YG67 – I like the Greens but if I have to narrow it to 36 I might pick these over my Greens
YG01, Yg03, YG07 – I enjoy these brighter yellow greens these days
Y00, Y21, Y28, Y32, Y35, Y38 – covers blonds and a lot of other hair colors as well as gold and warm hello surfaces
YR31, YR14, YR24 – all a must for hair colors
R21, R24, R29, R59 – slight change to add depth
No RV’s –  I love them but again if I am focusing in on my most used and a small set these would disappear to make room for others.
E00, E01, E93, E21, E25, E27, E29 – not enough Earth tones but my starter picks I use these more then any others

I would add a 0, colorless blender, it is really not an option, not for blending but for all of it’s amazing effects. I would also encourage crafters to find one group of grays, the neutrals is a great place to start and get either the evens or odds you do not need every one of them for most crafting endeavors. There are always a few more that would be nice to have and every artist, YES THAT IS YOU, is going to need to evaluate what will work best for them.

I would highly recommend taking a few Copic classes, live ones if you can find them that supply the markers so you can see how the colors work together and really learn to understand the numbering system before investing huge amounts of money into you collection! If you would like to see the complete schedule of Copic classes we still have coming up in 2016 check them out HERE.

In the mean time I continue to answer the questions at the top regularly, at the classes I teach, here at my blog, and even at Get It Scrapped in connection to my original post above. So ask away! I am more then happy to help!

Have a Happy Colorful Day!