I am over the moon excited to share that I am bringing Copic College 2020 on-line! This is my first attempt at putting this all together in one place and having a full weekend of curriculum on-line.

I am learning as I go and I have more than half of the curriculum uploaded! There will be mistakes and bumps in the road especially with the technology I am sure there will be many e-mails to and from students as we get it all sorted out!

This first venture into teaching on-line is a one time experience. I have the entire curriculum from the Copic College 2020 weekend all in one class. This class will be available to purchase for one year. It will no longer be for sale after December of 2021. The materials will have lifetime access for those who purchase them, but there will be no way to purchase the class after that time.
Included in the class:
- 20 plus hours of video lecture
- PDF copy of the manual – 116 pages, full color step out instructions for all images in the class
- 4 live question/answer sessions that will occur in late January and early February. These will be recorded for later viewing
- Images to use with class mailed directly to you at purchase of class
- Optional class add on – private coaching sessions
Once you register for class I will be mailing you one of two things. If you register for just the class for 199.00 I will be mailing you an envelope containing a single copy of all of the images used in class. These are NOT TO BE COPIED. Each of the companies I am using are allowing me to send you a single hard copy with the understanding that it is for the one time class use.
There is an optional add on for the first 65 interested. For an additional $50.00 you will get a different mailing. This mailing will include a single hard copy of the images used in class and a bound copy of the manual. The manual is 116 pages of full color step outs of all the images colored in class as well as an introductory section of all the beginner Copic information shared in the class. The mailing will also include 3 stamp sets from participating stamp companies (one of these sets is included in the class the other two are gifts from the stamp companies) as well as two enamel pins and a mechanical pencil. I only have 65 of these sets to share so if you are interested sign up early for this. *** If you use the link below it will say you are signing up for “Copic College”. The 50.00 fee is ONLY for the add on it does not include the actual on-line class. You must sign up separately for the two.***
The classroom is getting ready and will open on January 4th. To give people the opportunity to share the class as a holiday gift AND for me to get the mailings to everyone who registers you will be able to purchase the class and the add on if you wish today, Friday November 27th.