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Back Home

Well we are back home from an amazing stay in Denver! No surprises there, Grandma and Grandpa Weaver always spoil us. The girls and I played games, visited the American Girl store, saw Tangled, went to the Children’s Museum to celebrate New Year’s and in general had a grand time. John shot himself an Elk! Yep he went on a hunt and had a grand time as well in sub zero temperatures and waist deep snow, no joke! But came back to us with coolers full and a grin on his face. Before he left on his hunt we got in lots of great family time visiting with the Houghton siblings and families and even got a basketball game in and two Mexican food meals Yum!

So you can see we were busy and having a great time. The layouts above were from my quiet time in the evenings and are both sketches from Sassy Lil Sketches. Thanks Ladies!

Hugs to all!

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A Snapshot from Sunday (for Saturday)

So our assignment for Saturday was to fill the frame. Use our camera and fill the lens to the edges, in other words get close! I knew what I wanted to take but couldn’t get the shot until Sunday. We shared a Birthday cake with friends from our church and sang Sara Happy Birthday 3 days early. I got the shot too!

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10 Random notes about me for Friday

So my assignment for Friday is to note 10 random not well known things about me. Silly or not just ten random details that are me.

1-I still have my Winnie the Pooh. He sleeps with me when John is on call, yes, I will admit it. And in all honesty it was a gift that was given to my youngest brother at his birth and I adopted and never gave back!

2-I love having my toes done. Pedicures are the best and crazy colors during the winter are a must. My toes are hiding all winter so I go for colors that make me smile in the shower, blue and purple are among my favorites.

3-I drive way too fast! Yep!

4-I have a sever fear of heights! I always feel like I am going to slide right off ski lifts and right through open stairways.

5-I can watch a good movie a thousand times over and still find it completely entertaining, and laugh at all the punch lines. And my version of a good movie is just about anything.

6-I adore the smell of coffee but can not stand the taste of it! How do you acquire the taste for something if you can not stand it? I do not get that one!

7-I could eat pizza and ice cream each and every day and have a smile on my face.

8-I am know as a heads down scrapbooker to my friends who scrap with me. They say I don’t come up for air.

9-My Mom is my very best girlfriend! MY VERY BEST! And I am so blessed to have her.

10-I have been told more times then I can count that I am silly.

Hmm… yep sounds like me.

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Toothless Wonder!

Well here they are! Sara the toothless wonder and her side-kick “I am NEVER going to loose a tooth” Lori. I can’t scrap every time she looses another one but she is just too darn cute with her gaps getting bigger and bigger. Sara lost tooth number 6 and now has the big open gap of two front teeth missing to start off her first grade year.

The Thursday challenge was to post silly doings of our young kiddos and like most parents I have a few. I have to say though that one of my favorite sayings from the two girls came in similar situations two years a part.

When Sara was about 3 years old we were walking through the YMCA locker room after swimming. The older ladies who had just finished water aerobics were also in the locker room and in process of getting clothed. Sara in a louder voice asks “Why are their bottoms so big?” I am not sure how many of them heard but you can imagine I was a wee bit embarrassed at the time. Laughable now but mortified then.

Lori in a similar situation just this past year as a 4 year old asked why the lone older woman in the locker room was so fat. Again mortification on my part but they do point out the obvious don’t they? Lori also says my chest is jiggly so the observations are not just saved for strangers.

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Tuesday’s Techie (hmm I am not sur I am!)

OK so here is the challenge. I am going to attempt to show you a photo that can be clicked on and take you some where else! Pretty cool if it works huh?! So I am going to share one of my latest layouts and hopefully if you click on the layout it will whisk you away to the wonderful site where I bought the kit I used to make it! Tami here’s lookin’ at you girl!

I did it! I rock!

and just for good measure since I have umpteen sites open I might as well do a second one. (this one takes you to Scrap This Kit also, I am just playing here he he)

Scrap This Kit

Well give it a try! Let’s see if she floats!