Here is my almost finished August photo a day list. I have one more photo to take so it will appear later. We will also be doing a photo a day challenge for September. This time is is more focused and we are using literary references, like titles, quotes and thoughts from books. You can find the list HERE and come play along. I LOVE the ladies at Get It Scrapped we just all play at our own pace and in our own style. It is more about having fun 🙂
Day 27 – apple of my eye
OK so no apple but here is an eye and it has a food reference connected with it. The first time Lori met Maisey the very first thing she said about her is “she has onion ring eyes”. Yep not she is so cute, she is so soft, I am so excited, nope not Lori she gets a food reference in there and observes Maisey’s unusual eye color.
28 – coffee, tea or me
Hot chocolate instead for me please 🙂
29 – lemon
So I know this is silly but it is a lemon and this is where it sits forgotten shoved to the back of the fridge with ear medicine for the dog that we used last December and pickles that have not been touched in almost that long. I am sure I need to check some expiration dates back there he he.
30 – arrow to my heart
So a stretch once again but I am a sucker for good light. I LOVE finding the light glowing through foxtails or that golden hour on any subject matter. So I am claiming good light as an arrow to my heart, yep!
The photo I still need to take is looking up. I know what I want to take but have not found it yet. I AM GOING TO COMPLETE IT, I just haven’t gotten it yet 🙂