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August Photo a day part 2

Here are the next round of photos for my photo a day challenge at Get It Scrapped.  I am having so much fun at this!

A full Plate – Day 6

image(4)So it is a full bowl not a plate, but the peaches here in the summer are to die for!  I am serious this family puts them away.  I am the lady walking out of Sam’s every week with 4, count them, 4 boxes of peaches.  And yes, I will be back for 4 more next week!

Architecture – day 7

image(11)This is the architecture of a work out.  Our entire family goes and climbs stairs for 1 hour on the weekend.  The girls and I run/walk up and down 4 flights then run around the back side of the bleachers just to do it again and again.  John does it with 67 pounds strapped on his back!  Woo Hoo

gobbledygook – day 8

image(5)Three brown haired girls in our house (4 counting me)  Can you tell who is who or is it just a bunch of Gobbledygook?  Thanks Tami for bringing us a great word, so fun to say!

Bloom where you are planted – day 9

image(3)So these lovely cucumber plants are more than happy to bloom where they are planted in fact this is a flower bed that we use for them on the side of our house and 2 plants have now grown the entire length of the 12 foot plot.  happy, happy, happy and cucumbers coming out our ears, good thing we like them a lot!

Frame – day 10

image(2)I realized as we playing at the park on one of our few school free days left that one of the parts of the play set looks just like a poloroid so we definitely needed to pose!

Clearly – day 11

image(1)Clearly I have a bump in the bed!  Hmm, wonder what it could be…

image(6)Thanks Lori for “helping” make the beds!

Don’t Blink – day 11

d48e9656fef411e2ac4722000a9f393d_5I think you get it

Cat Nap – Day 12

image (2)Yep even John is getting included.  This amazing man is working way too much right now, he deserves as many of these as he can nab!

Another wee photographed for fun.  I’ll be back next week with more!

Happy Wednesday!

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August Photo a Day

Hello all!  I am playing along with a photo a day challenge over at Get It Scrapped.  The group there came up with a quirky list of daily inspiration to be caught on film for the month of August to get us picking up our cameras.

Not sure yet what I am going to do with all my fun photos but I did promise I would share them along the way, so here is my first group.  I am finding a few topics to be a little more challenging so I am not going to continue in order but as I find things to fill the holes.

August 1 – August

8-1Here is a look at our August.  It is a quieter month at least at first glance.  Swimming and diving have taken pat of the month off, but we are busy getting ready for school on the 14th!  And Lori left the sweet post it for me to keep me smiling.

August 2 – on cloud 9

8-2Yum, these put me on cloud 9!  I drooled over them at the Whole Foods store and John bought them for me.  Thank you John!!!

August 3 – if the shoe fits

8-3Well this particular day we were supposed to be going to the zoo BUT john got called in so plans changed, I mowed the lawn and wore my work shoes instead of play shoes.  It worked and we got to the zoo the next day so disaster avoided!

August 4 – new

8-4Yeah zoo day and a special treat of a NEW Imax, Kenya, African Safari.  It was fun and the zoo was perfect, overcast so cooler so we could take in all the outdoor exhibits which we don’t do all the time.

August 5 – ant’s eye view

8da2d9dcfef411e2b53f22000a9e5e0e_5Looking up at my two girlies that keep shooting upward daily!

So the rest of my shots will most likely be out of order.  But sounded like there were several others doing the same, besides this is for fun.  I am taking all of my pictures with Instegram so I am playing around with filters on all of them and that is why a few look a little different.  i plan on printing them and maybe doing a mini album or squeezing them into a few scrapbook pages we shall see.  It is certainly not to late if you would like to play along come join us HERE!

Happy Wednesday all!

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Two Fonts

There is a fun title technique being featured at Get It Scrapped today.  Working with two different fonts in your title work.  I love the variety of ways that the Creative Team came up with to showcase tow fonts!  I had not thought of several of these options, just shows how I fall into a routine and can’t see outside my own little box.  Here is the layout I came up with;

Combining fonts in title

Snow Bunnies by Michelle Houghton | Suppies: cardstock; The Paper Company, patterned paper; Bo Bunny, Patterned paper die cut; Fancy Pants, die cuts and washi tape; SEI, chipboard and sticker letters; Doodlebug Designs Inc., fabric letters; American Crafts, ink; Tsukineko, Sharpie and Copic

I manipulated both of these fonts.  The top “snow” is a sticker letter created by Doodlebug Designs that I added glitter to.  The “bunnies” is a fabric Thicker made by American Crafts that I colored with my Copic markers to match the cool feel of the page.  Nothing like a snow page in July to cool you off right?  Of course I had to find an extra E for bunnies so I just used the number 3 and turned it upside down.  this is one of those pages that just kind of fell together.  The papers were ones that had been tucked into my stash for a long time waiting for the perfect photos and I really liked that I was able to pull products from a few different companies in to complete the look.  Make sure to check the rest of the inspiration at Get It Scrapped HERE.

Hope everyone is continuing to enjoy there summers here in the US.  We only have tree weeks left of summer vacation and then the girls are back to school!  Hard to believe!

Happy Wednesday!

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Welding paper for your crafts

Today at Get It Scrapped there is an amazing article about welding on your layouts.  There is a slew of gorgeous examples of both digital and paper welding ideas.  Many are cut on electronic diecut machines, mine is hand cut and others are wonderful digital creations.


Sharp Shooter by Michelle Houghton | Supplies: cardstock; Bazzill, patterned paper; Basic Grey and American Crafts, washi tape; Queen and CO., ink; Sharpie and Signo, brads; unknown

The black lettering in the title for Sharp Shooter and the black rings of the target are all welded together, meaning they are cut out of one piece of paper.  Doing this by hand took a few tries as I was not completely sure on sizing and the color of  each of the parts so I made a couple rough drafts that did not get completely cut out to start.  One option even had “shooter” in a cursive script.  I cut that one all the way out and it just did not work so back to the drawing board. 🙂 These are the steps I used to get the finished title weld you see above.

1)  I used a ruler and gave myself some VERY light guide lines for the lettering.

2) Again with pencil I used block lettering to create the title, making sure all the letters were connecting side to side and that the top word connected once or twice to the bottom word.

3)  Still with pencil I traced 3 concentric circles that overlapped both words.  I was not worried too much about perfection on size or even spacing here, I really just eyeballed it.  It is OK to me if there are imperfections showing that it is hand made.

4) I used a thicker Sharpie marker to go over my title and the circles a few times making the lines quite a bit thicker.  I also went back in with a white Sharpie paint pen to ass highlights on the letters making them easier to read.

5) Now came the time consuming part, cutting it all out.  I always start with a pair of micro scissors and cut away as much as I can with those.  Then I break out an X-acto and cutting matte to finish the cutting.

6)  I started with my smallest circle and backed it with red cardstock then added yellow to the middle rind and blue to the outer ring.  I finished by hole punching the center of my target and roughing up the edges of the hole to show a direct hit by my “Sharp Shooter” daughters!

I also made the two smaller targets to help add balance to the layout and so it looks like Sara is getting a direct hit from her photo as well!

Make sure to stop by Get It Scrapped and see all the wonderful inspiration!  HERE

Happy Wednesday!


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Old and New

I am still in catch up mode a little.  As soon as I posted earlier today i realized that I have another layout to share from Get It Scrapped.  This one is one I am particularly tickled to share because it includes a very old photo of my father and myself.  My daughters both had a difficult time believing it was even me with my short hair and “Grandpa” with brown hair and a stash! ;-).  But even better was the fact that I found the older photo after I had taken the new ones.

My Dad was so excited to shop for rockets for my girls and then help them get them painted and of course then launch them!  The countdowns and squeals of delight from everyone were the very best.  It was so fun to see history repeat itself and to have the photos to show how it did.

Check out all the beautiful work showcasing old and new photos on the same layout HERE

old and new photos

Blasting Off into the Future, Then and Now by Michelle Houghton | Supplies: patterned paper and letters; American Crafts, ink; Copic and Ranger, wood clocks and lg. button; Prima, sm. button; Crate Paper, Twine; Queen and Co.